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Power Automate - Replace flow connections with Connection Reference


Today, I was facing an error while trying to turn the flows ON in target environment. It was showing following error.  
{"code":"FlowMissingConnection","message":"The flow is missing a connection for api 'shared_XXXXXXX'. Reauthenticate the connection or remove from the flow and re-save."}}".

Upon further investigation, it has been observed that the flows, having an error while turn ON, were using connections and not connection references.

How did it happen?

When a flow is created outside of solution, and then subsequently added into the solution, it uses connections instead of connection references. And when this solution is imported into target, it creates a new flow outside of solution irrespective of it being inside the solution.

Thus, it should always be a best practice to create flows inside solution as connection references are only supported in solution bound flows.

How to identify if a flow is using connections or connection references

When you open a flow, the right side of the section tells us whether it is using connections or connection references as shown below:

How can I fix the flows that are created accidently outside of solution with connections?

As of now there is no way to replace connections with connection references from UI. Some of the blog suggests to re-create these flows which not seems to a convenient way if these flows are large in number.

I have the flows placed in separate flow solution but still someone has created them outside of solution and added into flows solution.

Looking at these large number of flows, I have put these erroneous flows (having connections and not connection references) in another unmanaged solution in dev environment. Exported the solution as unmanaged and reimported in to the same dev environment. After import, these connections are replaced with connection references. 

After above step, I have exported flows solution as managed and imported in target environment again. 

This time I could turn the flows ON without any issue.


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