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Get lookup control of editable grid in Dynamics CRM 2016 using JavaScript

A look up control value of the editable grid can be captured using JavaScript. One thing to note, always check Pass execution context as the first parameter shown in below image. Without this you won't be able to work on editable grids. Editable grids doesn't work in the Xrm.Page context.

Handler properties of Editable Grid

Your javascript web resource will have following code. In code below, look up value is being checked and based upon that other controls in the grid will be disabled.

function gridDisableEstimatesOnStatusChange(executionContext)
     var entityObject = executionContext.getFormContext().data.entity;
     var statusValue = entityObject.attributes.getByName('##lookup control logical name##').getValue();
     if(statusValue != 0)
  var estimateControl = entityObject.attributes.getByName('##control's logical name##').controls.get(0);
  // Set value of any other control
  entityObject.attributes.getByName('##control's logical name##').setValue(##value to set##);



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